Carson City Blog

Carson City is a complicated place. It's calm and simple on the surface with a whole lot going on underneath. For one thing, it's a nice little city with a lot of shopping opportunities, professional services, arts and entertainment surrounded by a nice rural and agricultural region. It creates another layer of activity being located in Nevada, having the casinos and gaming action going on. Throw in the fact that Carson City is the capital of the state, with all of the politics and legislation that this involves, and you've got yourself a bustling little metropolis. With all of that coming and going, it's easy to miss out on something you really wanted to be involved in. One way to stay on top of all the A-list events is to be sure to check our weekly blog. You'll get the news from people who know the capital city best, with the inside story on everything happening from Washoe Valley all the way down to Indian Hills and the Carson Valley and from C-Hill on over toward Mound House and Dayton. From the politicians and the professionals to the ranchers and the retirees, from the state workers to the casino executives, we'll keep you up to date on everything you need to know!

Blog Posts of Carson City

It could be an update of what local bands are playing the lounge circuit this week or a preview of the lineup of celebrities on tap for the Nevada Day parade. Maybe it's a highlight of several top hiking trails in the surrounding hills or some tips for fishing the Carson River. Whatever it is that you want to know about Carson City, just be sure to visit the Carson City blog on a regular basis, and you'll be the best-informed person in town!

Brightly colored festival flags

August Arts and Entertainment

By Keith Rugg | Tuesday, July 28, 2020
It’s a strange summer, no doubt about that. Events and celebrations that have taken place annually since, well, since forever, have been cancelled, postponed or put on hold through next year. And it’s hard to tell from one week to the next what gathering is going to take place or be kicked out from under us. But for... Read More
rocks piled to create a pool around a hot springs

What's Happening at the Hot Springs

By Keith Rugg | Tuesday, July 21, 2020
One of my favorite summer memories of Nevada is from a few years ago when we climbed into the car and made our way into the state’s interior. We explored the so-called ghost town of Unionville and then popped over to Kyle Hot Springs. This hot springs is Nevada to the core, with some old cattle watering tubs... Read More
Statue of John Fremont

What's in a Name? A Lot, if the Name is Carson

By Keith Rugg | Tuesday, July 14, 2020
From the way Kit Carson is memorialized around here, you’d think the famous mountain man must’ve at least spent quite a bit of time in our corner of Northern Nevada, maybe even settled and made a life here. I mean, you’ve got Carson City. You’ve got the Carson River running through the Carson Valley in the shadow of... Read More
first-person view over handlebars riding a bike on a suburban street

Biking Up a Storm in Carson

By Keith Rugg | Tuesday, July 7, 2020
There’s a lot of crazy going on in the world right now, but one thing I haven’t yet heard anyone say isn’t good for you is getting out and taking advantage of the summer days with a nice bike ride. And on the plus side, there are plenty of bike shops in the area to help you make sure your gear is up to snuff or to... Read More
Fly-fisherman holding rod and reel

Wishing for Some Fishing

By Keith Rugg | Tuesday, June 30, 2020
One of the best lessons I ever learned as a country boy was that when the going gets tough, the tough go fishing. And this has been one tough year. There are lots of opportunities to get out and about with a pole around here, including the Truckee up north and Tahoe off to the west, but I thought I’d go through a... Read More