Here in the middle of 2020, the year that has already lasted for 10 years, it’s never been more important to be able to enjoy small distractions. And one of the venues that affords such distractions in the most varied and affordable ways is the friendly neighborhood library.
The Carson City Library is located on 900 N. Roop Street and reopened to the public in early June, with operating hours of 1 to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, and they have also maintained the availability of the curbside pick-up service from 10 a.m. to noon on Monday through Friday. Visitors won’t be able to settle in and read on-site, nor will they be able to use the computer lab. So if you’re the kind of person who likes to soak in the atmosphere, you’re going to be limited to stopping by to pick up your book holds and then skeedaddling on back home. Photo at right: Facebook, Carson City Library.
But if you’re willing to expand your horizons and consider a book experience that goes beyond the printed page, you might want to check out the library’s offerings of eBooks and audiobooks. Using the OverDrive delivery platform, library cardholders can download eBooks, eAudiobooks, digital magazines and streaming video, and the service is available all day, every day. The library also has a varied lineup of virtual online presentations on tap designed to have something of interest for everyone. Examples include Virtual Computers for Beginners, Virtual Family Storytime, Virtual Coding Sessions and Virtual Book Clubs.
In fact, the State of Nevada library system is just one of 12 states selected to be a part of the virtual cross-country tour conducted by the president of the American Library Association. At 11 a.m. on August 6, Julius Jefferson will present, “Learn and Earn: Nevada Libraries Harness Virtual 3-D for Education and Careers.” The presentation will take place on Zoom and will be archived on YouTube. For registration information, visit the library’s website.
A bit farther south in the Carson Valley, the Minden branch of the Douglas County Library is located at 1625 Library Lane (which is kind of cool, right?). They opened back up for in-person business in late June and are open for browsing and checkout from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday, and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday. The procedure is that only a limited number of people will be allowed in at any given time, and as in Carson City, don’t count on using the computer stations or sitting down for a spot of reading. Curbside pick-up is available on Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. If you've already gotten your books and you're finished reading them, there are book return bins at the Senior Center on Waterloo, at Fire Station #12 in Indian Hills and at 1490 Albite Road in the Topaz Ranch Estates. Photo at right: Facebook, Douglas County Public Library.
The Douglas County Library also offers a range of digital media, such as magazines, music, movies, books and audiobooks. The DCPL summer reading program continues on through August, giving kids and teens a chance to earn prizes, and there are reading and activity challenges for all age groups, from babies all the way on up to adults. Throw in Virtual Storytime, Virtual Escape Room for Adults, Virtual Dungeons & Dragons for Teens and more, and this library might just be your new go-to option for summertime fun.
(And here’s your insider trivia tip for the week. The Tahoe branch of the Douglas County Public Library, located up at the lake in Zephyr Cove at 233 Warrior Way, owes its existence to Sammy Davis Jr.!)