Bee Habitat Project: Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting
The latest buzz – Don’t miss our bee hotel unveiling! This project is a collaboration between the Carson City Chamber leadership class, Carson Tahoe Health, Carson City Parks, Recreation & Open Space, Southwest Gas, Arizona Pipeline, and The Greenhouse Project. Located near The Foothill Garden behind the Carson Tahoe Cancer Center, the bee hotel will house non-aggressive pollinators to better promote sustainable living and foster healthy flora.
Once complete, the bee hotel will act as one cog in the “well-nurtured” machine that is the Foothill Garden. All the organizations involved hope the space will serve the community in a multitude of ways. Learn more by attending our “open garden” June 7 from 10 AM-Noon, in honor of Pollinator Week from June 17 to June 23. It’ll be a great way to enjoy the sunshine and see how our community is buzzing its way to better health.
10 AM - Presenters and Ribbon Cutting with Mayor Bob Cowell
10:30 AM - Bee Habitat Education and Discussion
11 AM - Festivities, games, prizes!