Partnership Carson City's Prescription Drug Roundup

This Event has no scheduled dates at this time. It last occurred on Saturday, April 27, 2024.
Carson City Events, Partnership Carson City's Prescription Drug Roundup
Event Description: 

Mark your calendars for a significant community event as Partnership Carson City proudly presents its bi-annual Drug Round-up. This event aims to raise awareness about the critical impact of keeping unused and expired prescription drugs within households.

This bi-annual initiative is meticulously crafted to safeguard the well-being of our community's most vulnerable members. We are committed to providing essential education on the proper disposal of unused or expired prescription drugs, over-the-counter products, prescription liquids, pet medications, sharps (syringes) and more. Join us at one of the following four convenient locations in Carson City:

  • Save Mart Supermarkets, with two accessible sites at 3620 N. Carson and 4348 S. Carson Streets
  • Smith’s Food & Drug Store, located at 559 E. William Street
  • FoodMaxx, located at 3325 Highway 50 East

In addition to the drop-off locations, Naloxone (Narcan) will be available. Naloxone is a safe medication that can save someone's life by reversing the effects of an opioid overdose.

For more information about this important community event and how you can get involved, visit Partnership Carson City online at

Where is the event?

Various Carson City locations