Carson City Articles

It's one thing to read quick and easy blog posts about Carson City, but sometimes you want something with a little more meat to it. This is the place to check for more in-depth conversations in the form of Carson City articles. We explore its people, its history, the geography and nature, politics and business. If it happens in Nevada's capital, we'll let you know about it. That could mean a Carson City article about the storied history of our area. It could be a piece on how the city managed to lay claim to being host of the Nevada State Fair. Maybe it's an update on the progress of the freeway connector (or lack thereof). Whatever it is, if it is interesting to the residents of the city or the visitors to our little piece of western Nevada, we'll have something to say about it. Because in a community with as many levels and nuances as Carson City, there's bound to be something that has managed to slip under your radar, and it could just be something that has a big impact on your day-to-day life.

Information That Informs Carson City Articles

Given that our little city happens to be the seat of Nevada state government, actions and activities outside of Carson City can have an impact on us here. No other community has ties to the entire rest of the state like the capital city does, so we'll also keep our ear to the ground for information from Reno, Las Vegas and the rural counties that registers as interesting for the locals. You can think of this site as your one-stop-shop for Carson City articles and information.

Revamp Your Warm Up for Better Golf Performance

By Kyler Crouse, CSCS
The goal of warming up for exercise is often misunderstood. A proper warm-up is not only designed to raise your body temperature and blood flow, it should also prepare you for the specific workout or sport you are about to participate in. Common warm-ups involve spinning on a stationary bike or hopping on the... Read More

Spine Pain: Typical or Terrible?

By Dr. Zachary Child
Back and neck pain is a common reason people seek medical help or miss work. It can range from mild, dull and annoying pain, to an unexpected, often debilitating episode that can completely disrupt one's life. An estimated 80 to 100% of adults will have one or many of these events in their life.  While uncomfortable... Read More

Boots and Bunions: Cold Weather Tips for Your Feet

By Dr. Paul Ryan
Quality of daily life is closely linked to the health of our feet. When faced with cold weather, many of us make footwear changes that reflect changing activities and comfort. Footwear is important for traction, warmth, preventing slips and falls, and support for daily activities, but footwear that is not properly... Read More

Overcome Joint Pain for Improved Quality of Life

By Dr. Jeff Orr & Dr. Kyle Swanson
In an active lifestyle, joint health is a top priority. Your joints — hips, knees, ankles, shoulders, elbows, wrists — allow you to perform sports and daily activities and are needed to move and thrive. Over time, an active lifestyle may lead to wear and tear — the eventual breakdown of protective cartilage — causing... Read More

Is Arthritis Causing Your Hip Pain?

By Dr. Robert Rupp
Hip osteoarthritis is often the cause of hip pain as we age. Osteoarthritis, or “wear and tear” arthritis, refers to the breakdown or degeneration of the cartilage that coats and protects the bone surfaces where there is movement in a joint. Unfortunately, our body does not repair or regenerate new cartilage when it... Read More